Politecnico di Milano
Scuola Master Fratelli Pesenti


1) Why a Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
A recent study (2010), played in the United States, demonstrates a clear link between education (obtainedqualification) and employment income.
A second Postgraduate Professional Degree Course is equivalent to a 'professional degree'. It’s a title of second level master opens the way to a professional income on average 26.5% higher than that of those who received only the five-year degree (Master 's degree ).
2 ) The Postgraduate Professional Degree Course followed in the classroom are better or more useful than the Postgraduate Professional Degree Course followed online?
Number of the teachers and content of the lessons are the same both in the classrooms and online. With the support of the Blackboard platform even those who follow the online master can participate in the lessons, speaking and asking questions, just as if they were in the classroom. Blackboard has a library from which everything will be downloadable including teaching materials. Finally, at certain times, it will be possible to communicate with the teachers, asking them for possible doubts and uncertainties.

3 ) What tools will have to follow the Postgraduate Professional Degree Course online?
Each student will have a personal account to access the Blackboard platform (the first in the world in the sphere of online education). Here you will find a clear interface in which to view all of the educational content of the lessons , the task list , calendar . You can buy directly online textbooks, communicate with professors or other students in the course (through blogs, chats , etc). From his account may also participate actively in the lessons in real time or review the videotapedlessons.

4 ) What characteristics should my pc have in order to be able to participate in the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
There are required only minimal requirements in terms of the Browser. Blackboard is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Mac OSX 10.5 and higher. To attend classes in synchronous mode, you may want to purchase a common headset with microphone.

5 ) How can be resolved online any possible organizational issue?
Just like the master in the classroom there is a didactic secretary, whose task is to solve the problems of an organizational nature, so an answering online learning in real time respond to the questions of the students enrolled in the online master. The onlinelearning secretariat can be reached by phone, by e -mail, and chat.

6) What are the differences between a frontal master and an online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
The only difference is because it’s a student choice. From a recent graduate or in general to a person who is looking for workand who has the ability and the economic availability of moving and living in Milan for a year, it is advisable to follow a frontal master. Instead, a person who already works, which does not have the ability and/or the economic means to live in Milan, it is recommended an online master.

7) How long does the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course lasts and what type of commitment does it require?
Each of the two  online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course provides approximately 300 hours of lectures, which will be held during the week according to time scheduled before. The lessons will be concentrated in the first six months (November 2014 - April 2015). In the following months you can still view all of the content of the courses in asynchronous mode and study them. A deeper appendices ofthe course content and final exercise will be delivered according to the online assessment scheduled for October 2015.

8) If I already have a job that keeps me busy all day, how can I follow the online lessons?
7 days after a lesson the video will be uploaded on the Blackboard platform and all students will be able to watch it. Along with the video, of course, the students will also have access to the educational material of the lesson. The students will watch the video of each lesson, when it is more appropriate for them (in the evening or during the weekend), in asynchronous mode.
Together with the asynchronous mode, synchronous mode is also offered. That synchronous mode can be used by students to participateactively, simultaneously, even in those lessons that they have particular interest.

9) How many times do I have to come in person to the Master School F.lli Pesenti, at the Polytechnic of Milan?
Physical presence is never required. The advantage of an online master is  the optimization and flexibility of timing and the reduction of coststhat students will incur to the minimum. For this reason, it was considered unnecessary to make travels for the students. Therefore both the exams, exercises and final presentations will be loaded and evaluated online.

10) Which professors teach the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course classes?

The professors who teach the online classes belong to the departments of SAY , ​​DIG (Department of Management Engineering), MIP, the Milan Polytechnic ABC. In addition, lectures will also be held from successful professionals outside the university. Among them, planners, real estate agents, business managers and money managers: City edge (Archive Partner of Studio Daniel Libeskind), Vittorio Grassi Architect & Partners (designers), Hines (real estate), Impregilo ( business management), Horus Capital (money managers). There will also be offered seminars by world leading personalities.

11 ) What are the main topics covered in the two online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
The main topics are listed in the teaching units on the brochure of the online master. Further details can be found on the master online calls.

12 ) Where can be found the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course calls?

The calls of the online master material can be downloaded from the following website:

13 ) At the end of the lectures will be held an internship?

For those who are already working or who cannot move to Milan, a few months of internship would be a prohibitive obstacle. Therefore, the internships for students of online master will consist in carrying out the final work, which will be presented and judged by a activities committee.
If, however, students in the online master expressly require the opportunity to do an internship after the end of the lessons, it will be researched and proposed . However, with regard to internships, priority will always be given to students who attend the master in the classroom.

14) What is the cost of registration of the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
Given the economic difficulties, which are involving also Europe (especially Italy), the Postgraduate Professional Degree Course Management School F.lli Pesenti of the Polytechnic of Milan took the decision to reduce the cost of entry to the online master. This will meet the economic needs of the students. The registration fee is € 3500. The master does not include additional charges for course materials that is provided free of charge to students.

15) What are the units of the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
The teaching material of the Online Master is updated almost every year, trying to provide to the students the latest and the long valid knowledge. Therefore, the teaching units indicated in the contract are susceptible to slight changes, while preserving the number of hours and credits.

16) Can I subscribe to only one online master or can I subscribe to more than one Postgraduate Professional Degree Course?
No. By law it is not possible the simultaneous registration to a master's degree and another course activated by an Italian university.

17) If I am enrolled in a Postgraduate Professional Degree Course online, but I am also interested to attend only certain units of the other educational master online, would it be possible?
Sure ! Each teaching unit can be attended individually. And to do so, each teaching unit has facilitated a registration fee for students of the school. The cost of entry to teaching units belonging to other master is € 200 (except for the teaching unit CENED that has a cost of € 300). Obviously, attending an online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course units plus some of the other master online, the student will receive at the end only one master's degree .

18) The CENED teaching unit in the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course in "Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure" issue a license if I am enrolled in another online master and I decide to attend CENED classes?
Yes, of course! It is only required to pass the exam in the specific location.

19) Which qualification must I have to be to attend the online Postgraduate Professional Degree Course? What are the prerequisites?
For the second level master you must have a VO Laura, Degree or Masters NO. For the first level master you must have a Bachelor VO Degree or N.O. The contents of the master are addressed primarily to engineers and architects. However, each individual case of similar qualifications will be assessed by the Commission. The candidate will be accepted according the  prerequisites for admission.

20) There is a limited number or a selection?
Yes Admission will take place only after an assessment of the requirements and curriculum vitae by a Commission and after following a telephone conversation between the school management and the candidate.

For further questions regarding the exact modality and requisites for the admission to the online master  please contact Dr. Ing. Marco Zucca:
Telefonicamente: +39 02 2399 4341, oppure per e-mail: marco.zucca@polimi.it



Prof.ssa Arch. Ing. Paola Ronca

Tel: +39 02-2399.4396 | paola.ronca@polimi.it


Tel: +39 02‐2399.4381 | Fax: +39 02‐2399.4376

Info and registration

Dott. ing. Marco Zucca

Tel: +39 02‐2399.4341 | marco.zucca@polimi.it